Dante’s Peak (1997)

Movie: Dante’s Peak (1997)          

Director: Roger Donaldson                                               

Watched: 14 July 2019   

Viewing Status: First Time Viewing                                

This has been a movie I’ve been interested in checking out for a while but just never got round to it til now. I decided to check this out on Amazon Prime after being in the mood to watch something that was a ‘leave your brain at the door’ type movie and that’s exactly what I got out of it.

This movie hasn’t aged very well and it’s extremely cheesy and over the top and some of the acting is rather bad in it but I was surprised by how much I ended up enjoying this and I ended up getting quite attached to the characters which I wasn’t expecting.

It’s not the greatest disaster movie ever but it was what I was looking for at the time and I enjoyed it enough to want to revisit it again in the future.

Rating:  3 ½ out of 5 stars

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