Terminator Dark Fate (2019)

Movie:  Terminator Dark Fate (2019)   

Director: Tim Miller                                           

Watched:  4 November 2019      

Viewing Status: First Time Viewing                   

I’ll be perfectly honest here and say that I was one of the few people who actually liked Terminator Genisys and would have liked to have seen a sequel for that but I was still looking forward to seeing Dark Fate especially with Linda Hamilton returning for the film.

Overall I thought this was a pretty enjoyable movie, it was a fun action movie and there were also the quieter character moments as well. I liked both the new characters and the old and I thought it was a good blend of action, drama and humour.

It’s by no means a perfect film and I dare say will be controversial because of some key plot elements but I thought this was a pretty decent sequel and I would be interested in another terminator film based on the ending.

Rating:  4 out of 5 stars

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