Doctor Who – The Dalek Invasion of Earth (1964)

Doctor Who: The Dalek Invasion of Earth (1964) 

Episodes: Season 2 4 – 9 

Director: Richard Martin 

Air Date: 21 November – 26 December 1964  

Watch Date: 1 May 2024 

And after a long absence I’m finally getting back into TV and movie reviews on this blog and to kick start the reviews I’m going to be talking about the Dalek Invasion of Earth which is the tenth story in the first doctor era. I’m still slowly working my way through my rewatch of Doctor Who and it’s been a few years since I’ve last seen this one. It’s definitely an interesting story, a mix of horror and science fiction, taking place in the 22nd century and the Doctor, Susan, Ian and Barbara finding themselves in the midst of a Dalek Invasion after previosuly encoring the Daleks on the planet Skaro. 

This is a six part story but I do feel they could have condensed this to a five or four part story, the first episode is fantastic setting up that atmospheric eerie background and that sign and the man falling into the river but I feel like some of it could have been cut so that we could get to that final goodbye between Susan and the Doctor. One thing I will say, in the few times that I’ve watched this story I never picked up that the doctor takes off with one of Susan’s shoes so that was interesting to note that. 

Another thing that I did love about the story was how Barbara got to use her history knowledge in distracting the Daleks, the scene where she feeds them false information from past history battles is hilarious and its a shame that we didn’t get to see more of that in the show. Overall it’s a decent story, not one of my favourite Classic Who story but it’s still a good one to watch when I’m rewatching the show.


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